Membership Application Page

Membership is made up of Directors and Business leaders from the public and private sectors and across a diversity of enterprises in commerce, industry, services, professions, bureaucracy, etc. Membership is on Individual capacity, and provides a platform to establish and maintain contact amongst business leaders at the highest levels.

It also provides a platform to interfaces with the government for the creation and entrenchment of favorable business-friendly policies in seemingly challenging circumstances for the creation of wealth.

Membership Grades & Criteria

The membership grades for the Chartered Institute of Directors Nigeria consist of ASSOCIATE, MEMBER and FELLOWSHIP.

Only members can proceed to fellowship grade. Full membership grade if attained, could be upgraded to fellowship status on application. For the purposes of CIoD membership, the following definitions apply:

(1) Entity: is a registered company, corporation, business unit, institute, trust, local government, business association, charity, professional partnership or similar organisation, whose business affairs and strategies require direction.

(2) Substance : normally requires a minimum annual business turnover or budget of N50 million.

(3)Director: must be a member of the body which is responsible for and accountable for the strategic business direction and corporate governance of the “entity” and which makes the decisions that determine its prosperity and integrity.


To qualify as an Associate member, an applicant must be over 25 years and be:

* A sole proprietor of an unincorporated business existing for a minimum of three years.

* A senior executive of a national company reporting directly to a board member for a minimum of two years.

* A senior executive in an education or health authority or other public body of similar standing for a minimum of two years.

* A company director or partner in a professional practice, or have a profession and be working in industry or commerce of less than three years.

In addition to the above, the applicant must have attended CIoD Nigeria Company Direction Course I.  

Elected members are entitled to use the designation “AM.CIoD” after their names


To qualify as a member, an applicant must be over 25 years, and be a “Director” of an “Entity” which is a solvent going concern of “Substance”, as broadly defined below and have been:

To qualify as a full member, an applicant must be:

1. Proprietor of an incorporated business existing for a minimum of five (5) years, with evidence of at least three years statutory tax return and  audited account.

2. A Company Director for a minimum of five (5) years and be in business for a minimum of five (5) years.

3. Director or equivalent not less than grade level 16 at the Federal and State Government with a minimum of five (5) years’ experience.

In addition to the above, the applicant must have attended CIoD Nigeria Company Direction Course I.  

Elected members are entitled to use the designation “M.CIoD” after their names


Fellowship grade is open to members:

* For consideration a member should have been a Director of a reputable organization for not less than 10 years.

* Have been full Member of CIoD Nigeria for at least five years

* Must be financially up to date in subscription payment for not less than five years.

* Must have attended any of the following training programmes, CDCII, ACDP or any of the Foreign Leadership Courses of the Institute

* Be an active member of the Institute i.e.

* Attends training and events of the Institute

* Must be or have been a member of at least one committee of the Institute

Elected members to fellowship grade are entitled to use the designation “F.CIoD” after their names.

Required Documents 

At the point of registration, the applicants should go through the requirement below before completing the form:

i) Personal Profile (Detailed/Current Resume/CV)

ii) Two Passport Photographs

iii) Company Prole

iv) Certificate of Incorporation

v) Form CO7

vi) Introduction letter duly signed by the Company Secretary

vii) Work Permit for Foreign Nationals

Registration Fee

Development Levy:                                       150,000.00

Director Collection:                                         50,000.00

Induction:                                                        50,000.00

Capitation:                                                       20,000.00


Annual Subscription:                                       100,000.00

Annual Conference:                                           100,000.00

Company   Direction Course                                 210,000.00


Total:                                                        ₦680,000.00


Life Membership

Life Membership:                                    ₦1,910,000.00

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